參 basic provisioning 相比,伊需要加一个 Prov Server,就是 DHCP option 122.3 設定的位置。無法度直接對
DHCP 遐得著 configuration file 的所在。
若是參 secure provisioning 相比,伊無需要先去揣 KDC 拆票,會使直接去揣 Prov Server,伊佮 Prov Server 用光碼(SNMP v2c)來往,
若是secure provisioning, 就愛用暗碼(SNMP v3,雖然SNMP v3 嘛會使用光碼,毋過我感覺既然欲走 secure,閣用光碼來往就較無意思啊)
Hybrid provisioning 的程序請看下底的圖
participant CM MTA as A
participant PKT DHCP as E
participant PKT DNS as F
participant Prov Server as H
participant PKT TFTP as I
participant SYSLOGP as J
A-E: MTA1: DHCP Broadcast Discover (Includes Option code 60 w/ MTA device identifier, Option code 43, & requests Option code 122)
E-A: MTA2: DHCP Offer (option code 122w/ name of provisioning realm)
A-E: MTA3: DHCP Request
A-H: H-MTA15: SNMP Inform
H--A: H-MTA16: SNMP Get Request(s) for MTA device capabilities (optional/iterative)
A--H: H-MTA17: SNMP Get Response(s) containing MTA device capabilities (optional/iterative)
H-I: H-MTA18: MTA config file
H-A: H-MTA19: SNMP Set with URL encoded file download access method (TFTP or HTTP), filename, hash
A-F: H-MTA20: Resolve TFTP server FQDN
F-A: H-MTA21: TFTP server IP address
A-I: H-MTA22: Telephony config file request
I-A: H-MTA23: Telephony config file
A--J: H-MTA24: MTA send telephony service provider SYSLOG a notification of provisioning completed
A--H: H-MTA25: SNMP Notify completion of telephony provisioning (MTA MAC address, ESN, pass/fail)
participant PKT DHCP as E
participant PKT DNS as F
participant Prov Server as H
participant PKT TFTP as I
participant SYSLOGP as J
A-E: MTA1: DHCP Broadcast Discover (Includes Option code 60 w/ MTA device identifier, Option code 43, & requests Option code 122)
E-A: MTA2: DHCP Offer (option code 122w/ name of provisioning realm)
A-E: MTA3: DHCP Request
A-H: H-MTA15: SNMP Inform
H--A: H-MTA16: SNMP Get Request(s) for MTA device capabilities (optional/iterative)
A--H: H-MTA17: SNMP Get Response(s) containing MTA device capabilities (optional/iterative)
H-I: H-MTA18: MTA config file
H-A: H-MTA19: SNMP Set with URL encoded file download access method (TFTP or HTTP), filename, hash
A-F: H-MTA20: Resolve TFTP server FQDN
F-A: H-MTA21: TFTP server IP address
A-I: H-MTA22: Telephony config file request
I-A: H-MTA23: Telephony config file
A--J: H-MTA24: MTA send telephony service provider SYSLOG a notification of provisioning completed
A--H: H-MTA25: SNMP Notify completion of telephony provisioning (MTA MAC address, ESN, pass/fail)
一開始攏仝款,先用 DHCP 挈著 IP,這个時陣, DHCP server 送出來的 option 122.6 毋是 HYBRID.1 就是 HYBRID.2
閣來,就愛去揣 Prov Server,佇規範內底干焦講 MTA 愛佇 H-MTA-15 進前查出 Prov Server 的 IP,無特別講是第幾步。
H-MTA15: MTA 利用 SNMP Inform 共家己的資訊送予 Prov Server
H-MTA16~17: Prov Server 若是需要閣較濟的資料,會使用 SNMP Get 去問 MTA
H-MTA18: Prov Server 根據頂面 MTA 的資訊做出符合 MTA 的 configuration file,而且共這个檔案囥佇 TFTP server。
H-MTA19: Prov Server 用 SNMP Set 共 configuration file 的資訊(url, hash)講予 MTA 知
H-MTA20~23: MTA 揣出 url,共檔案掠落來。
H-MTA24~25: 佮 basic 仝款,這兩步無一定愛有,若有設定才有需要行。
頂面所用著的 SNMP, 版本攏是 SNMP v2c, community 攏是 private。