PacketCable 2.0 IPv6 Provisioning CNR 7.2 FQDN 設定

以前老闆說過 "按圖施工,保證成功" ,為了玩一下PacketCable 2.0 的 IPv6 模式,找了一下大大們成功的案例來施工一下,但是代誌不是憨人所想的那麼簡單

這次遇到的問題是DHCP server,我用的是 CNR 7.2 沒有給出 FQDN

在使用IPv4的時候是透過option12(Host Name),option15(Domain Name)來組成

8.3 DHCP Options 12 and 15
MTA FQDN MUST be sent to the E-MTA in Option-12 and Option-15. Option-12 MUST contain "Host Name"
part of the FQDN, and the Option-15 MUST contain "Domain Name" part of the FQDN.
For example, if MTA FQDN is "", then Option-12 must contain "mta1" and Option-15 must contain

換到 IPv6 時,想依樣畫葫蘆,在 client 裡加入這兩個設定,但是 MTA 一直抱怨它無法解出 FQDN,那就打開 wireshark 來 debug 吧

先看一下 MTA 送出來的 Solicit
 Message type: Solicit (1)
 Transaction ID: 0x1e01e0
 Option Request
  Option: Option Request (6)
  Length: ****
  Value: **************
  Requested Option code: Fully Qualified Domain Name (39)
  Requested Option code: DNS recursive name server (23)
  Requested Option code: Vendor-specific Information (17)
  Requested Option code: *******************************
  Requested Option code: *******************************
 Vendor Class
  Option: Vendor Class (16)
  Length: 13
  Value: 0000118b0007706b7463322e30
  Enterprise ID: Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. (4491)
  vendor-class-data: pktc2.0
 Vendor-specific Information
  Option: Vendor-specific Information (17)
  Length: ****
  Value: *****************************************
  Enterprise ID: Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. (4491)
  Suboption: Device Type =  (2)********
  Suboption: Serial Number =  (4)********
  Suboption: Hardware Version =  (5)********
  Suboption: Software Version =  (6)*****************
  Suboption: Boot ROM Version =  (7)******
  Suboption: Organization Unique Identifier =  (8)******
  Suboption: Model Number =  (9)********
  Suboption: Vendor Name =  (10)**********
  Suboption: TLV5 =  (35)******************************
  Suboption: Device Identifier =  (36)************
  Suboption: CableLabs Correlation ID =  (2172)******
  Suboption: Option Request =  (1) 32 33 34 2171
 Fully Qualified Domain Name
  Option: Fully Qualified Domain Name (39)
  Length: 1
  Value: 01
  0000 0... = Reserved: 0x00
  .... .0.. = N bit: Server should perform DNS updates
  .... ..0. = O bit: Server has not overridden client's S bit preference
  .... ...1 = S bit: Server should perform forward DNS updates
 Client Identifier
  Option: Client Identifier (1)
  Length: ****
  Value: ****************
  DUID: ****************
  DUID Type: link-layer address (3)
  Hardware type: Ethernet (1)
  Link-layer address: ****************
 Identity Association for Non-temporary Address
  Option: Identity Association for Non-temporary Address (3)
  Length: ****
  Value: ****************
  IAID: ****************
  T1: 0
  T2: 0
  Option: *********** (**)
  Length: **
  Value: ************

再看一下 CNR 送出來的 Advertise
 Message type: Advertise (2)
 Transaction ID: 0x1e01e0
 Client Identifier
  Option: Client Identifier (1)
  Length: ****
  Value: ****************
  DUID: ****************
  DUID Type: link-layer address (3)
  Hardware type: Ethernet (1)
  Link-layer address: ****************
 Server Identifier
  Option: Server Identifier (2)
  Length: ****
  Value: ****************
  DUID: ****************
  DUID Type: link-layer address plus time (1)
  Hardware type: Ethernet (1)
  DUID Time: ****************
  Link-layer address: ****************
 Identity Association for Non-temporary Address
  Option: Identity Association for Non-temporary Address (3)
  Length: ****
  Value: ********************************
  IAID: ****************
  T1: ****************
  T2: ****************
  IA Address
   Option: IA Address (5)
   Length: 24
   Value: ********************************
   IPv6 address: ********************************
   Preferred lifetime: ****************
   Valid lifetime: ****************
 Fully Qualified Domain Name
  Option: Fully Qualified Domain Name (39)
  Length: 1
  Value: 06
  0000 0... = Reserved: 0x00
  .... .1.. = N bit: Server should not perform DNS updates
  .... ..1. = O bit: Server has overridden client's S bit preference
  .... ...0 = S bit: Server should not perform forward DNS updates
 DNS recursive name server
  Option: DNS recursive name server (23)
  Length: 16
  Value: ****************
  DNS server address: ****************
 Vendor-specific Information
  Option: Vendor-specific Information (17)
  Length: ****
  Value: ********************************
  Enterprise ID: Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. (4491)
  Suboption: CableLabs Client Configuration IPv6 :  (2171) (**** bytes)
  Suboption: TFTP Server Addresses :  (32)
                    IPv6 address: ****************
                Suboption: Configuration File Name =  (33)****************
                Suboption: Syslog Servers :  (34)
                    IPv6 address: ****************
                Suboption: Time Protocol Servers :  (37)
                    IPv6 address: ****************
                Suboption: Time Offset =  ****************
比對一下 spec PKT-SP-EUE-PROV-C01-140314 對 Solicit 的規範  IP Configuration Retrieval Using DHCPv6
The eUE MUST send a multicast DHCPv6 SOLICIT message that includes the following options:  
  -    OPTION_CLIENTID(1) containing the DUID (DHCP Unique Identifier) for the eUE, 
                        as specified by [RFC 3315]. The eUE can choose any one of the 
                        rules to construct the DUID according to [RFC 3315], section 9.1;  
  -    OPTION_ IA_NA(3) (Identity Association for Non-temporary Addresses) to obtain an IPv6 address assignment.  
  -    OPTION_FQDN(39) (Client FQDN Option as per [RFC 4704]) containing an empty "domain name" field, and containing 
                       a "flags" field with flag values S=1, N=0, O=0.   
  -    OPTION_ORO(6) requesting the following standard options from the server:   
       - OPTION_FQDN(39), [RFC 4704])  
  -    OPTION_VENDOR_CLASS (16) containing enterprise number 4491 and the string "pktc2.0".   
  -    OPTION_VENDOR_OPTS (17) containing enterprise number 4491, and further containing the following CableLabs vendor options:  
       - CL_OPTION_DEVICE_TYPE(2) with the name identifying the EUE device as defined in [CANN-DHCP-Reg].  
       - CL_OPTION_DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER(4) with the EUE embedded device serial number as defined in [CANN-DHCP-Reg].  
       - CL_OPTION_HARDWARE_VERSION_NUMBER(5) as defined in [CANN-DHCP-Reg].  
       - CL_OPTION_SOFTWARE_VERSION_NUMBER(6) as defined in [CANN-DHCP-Reg].  
       - CL_OPTION_BOOT_ROM_VERSION(7) as defined in [CANN-DHCP-Reg].  
       - CL_OPTION_VENDOR_OUI(8) as defined in [CANN-DHCP-Reg].  
       - CL_OPTION_MODEL_NUMBER(9) as defined in [CANN-DHCP-Reg].  
       - CL_OPTION_VENDOR_NAME(10) as defined in [CANN-DHCP-Reg].  
       - CL_OPTION_MODEM_CAPABILITIES(35), with the formatting specified in [CANN-DHCP-Reg] and the content specified in the 
                                      Section 6.6.1 of this document.  
       - CL_OPTION_DEVICE_ID(36) containing eUE MAC address  CL_OPTION_CORRELATION_ID(2172) containing correlation ID  
       - CL_OPTION_ORO(1) requesting the following vendor specific options from the server:  
       - CL_OPTION_TFTP_SERVERS(32) as defined in [CANN-DHCP-Reg]   
       - CL_OPTION_CONFIG_FILE_NAME(33) as defined in [CANN-DHCP-Reg]   
       - CL_OPTION_SYSLOG_SERVERS(34) as defined in [CANN-DHCP-Reg]   
       - CL_OPTION_CCCV6(2171) as defined in [CANN-DHCP-Reg] 
看起來 MTA 該發的訊息都有發出來,沒有問題,問題應該出在 Server 沒設定好
Server 沒有給出 FQDN,然後 MTA 和 Server 就不斷重複這兩個封包,在 Server 上設定 client 的 Host Name, Domain Name ,Server 不發 FQDN
接著把這組 IP 保留給 MTA 並在 DNS 上加入正解,Server 還是不發 FQDN,那就去看一下這個 option 39 在做什麼。
這個 Option 訂在 RFC4704
MTA 的設定是 S=1, N=0, O=0
符合 5.2 Client Desires Server to Do DNS Updates 的設定
MTA 要 DHCP server 做 DNS update,但我沒設定 DNS update,所以 Server 回 Advertise 時 Option 這樣設 S=0, N=0, O=1
因為沒有設定 DNS update,S bit 設成 0,N bit 不變,因為有改過S bit,O bit 設成 1。
就這個原因造成這兩個封包丟來丟去,所以只要把 DNS 設定好應該就可以了。

CNR IPv6 的 DNS update 和 IPv4 的設定差不多,CISCO 詳細設定去問一下那個翹著腿坐在沙發上的男人就可以了

設定好 DNS update 後,再試一次,這次 Server 回的封包就有帶 FQDN 了
 Message type: Advertise (2)
 Transaction ID: 0x59d28c
 Client Identifier
  Option: Client Identifier (1)
  Length: **
  Value: ****************
  DUID: ****************
  DUID Type: link-layer address (3)
  Hardware type: Ethernet (1)
  Link-layer address: ****************
 Server Identifier
  Option: Server Identifier (2)
  Length: ****
  Value: ****************
  DUID: ****************
  DUID Type: link-layer address plus time (1)
  Hardware type: Ethernet (1)
  DUID Time: ****************
  Link-layer address: ****************
 Identity Association for Non-temporary Address
  Option: Identity Association for Non-temporary Address (3)
  Length: ****
  Value: ************************************************
  IAID: ****************
  T1: ****************
  T2: ****************
  IA Address
   Option: IA Address (5)
   Length: 24
   Value: ****************
   IPv6 address: ****************
   Preferred lifetime: ****************
   Valid lifetime: ****************
 Fully Qualified Domain Name
  Option: Fully Qualified Domain Name (39)
  Length: ****
  Value: ********************************
  0000 0... = Reserved: 0x00
  .... .0.. = N bit: Server should perform DNS updates
  .... ..1. = O bit: Server has overridden client's S bit preference
  .... ...0 = S bit: Server should not perform forward DNS updates
  Domain: ********************************
 DNS recursive name server
  Option: DNS recursive name server (23)
  Length: 16
  Value: ********************************
  DNS server address: ********************************
 Vendor-specific Information
  Option: Vendor-specific Information (17)
  Length: ****
  Value: ****************
  Enterprise ID: Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. (4491)
  Suboption: CableLabs Client Configuration IPv6 :  (2171) (** bytes)     
  Suboption: TFTP Server Addresses :  (32)
   IPv6 address: ****************
  Suboption: Configuration File Name =  (33) ****************
  Suboption: Syslog Servers :  (34)
   IPv6 address: ****************
  Suboption: Time Protocol Servers :  (37)
   IPv6 address: ****************

這樣 FQDN 就乖乖得跑出來了,下一步就是玩玩看怎麼用 TCL 去控制 hostname 了,CNR 內建的 hostname 命名方式我不希歡。
IPv6 provisioning 過了後也可以把之前玩過的 HYBRID Server 更新成支援 2.0 和 IPv6了。

2 則留言:

  1. 請問你是使用什麼SIP server
    我用Brekeke 會有489 Bad Event 錯誤
